Since 1000 BC, knitting technology has played a crucial role in our lifestyle. It is used not only to produce fabrics for clothing and home furnishings, but also for various technological end-uses. Knowledge developed in the field of knitting technology, particularly in the last 50 years, has contributed greatly to the development of advanced machinery on one hand and highly complex and specialized textile products on the other. The current concept of seamless knitting is not new, but what exactly is seamless knitting?
Seamless knitting technology produces a complete garment with minimal cutting or sewing processes. With seamless knitted ready-to-wear clothing, the machine can not only create shaped knits, but also produce various knitted designs within the garment. This innovative technology eliminates post-process labor, thus saving production time and cost. The seamless technique offers knitwear consumers a more comfortable and better-fitting experience by eliminating seams. Additionally, seamless knitting provides more consistent and uniform product quality. It also offers a greater creative potential for knitwear designers. Three-dimensional seamless knitting with multiple functions is applicable to various products such as fashion, interior furnishings, automotive, aerospace, and medical textiles.
Knitting technology has been constantly innovating, and it is only recently that the global market has begun to recover from the 2007-08 global financial crisis with new machines specifically designed for seamless knitting, multi-gauge technology, and recently, machines designed specifically for shoe-making. The heavy investment in textile machinery from 2003 to 2007 came to an abrupt end in 2008, and despite some recovery, it had a significant impact on the advanced knitting industry in terms of new product development and skilled operators/programmers. Advanced knitting machines capable of producing high-value functional clothing require highly skilled programmers and designers with technical expertise, which has traditionally been a problematic area in the knitwear industry. It is now more important than ever to create interdisciplinary design teams. The challenge is to create new epistemologies in effective flow of knitwear design development; increasing the technical knowledge of designers and programming skills of technicians will ultimately result in increased innovation in functional design for clothing and beyond.
Jacquard Curtain Warp Knitting Machine
Dream Curtain Warp Knitting Machine
Velvet Curtain Warp Knitting Machine
Jacquard Double Needle Bar Warp Knitting Machine
Double Needle Bar Warp Knitting Machine Without Jacquard
Knitting artificial turf (Lawn Grass)
Interlining Warp Knitting Machine
Geogrid Warp Knitting Machine
Glass Fiber Composite Warp Knitting Machine
Light Box Cloth Warp Knitting Machine
Grid Warp Knitting Machine
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Qijia Village, Benniu Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China